Emergency Preparedness Plans

What Plans Do You Have In Mind?

Sometimes, the best Emergency Preparedness Plans comes in the form of avoidance. This can be especially true when the emergency happens way out of your expectations and you are not readily equipped with all the necessary survival tools to allow you manage to stay safe and recover from the emergency. Fire is one of the emergencies that you may not have expected to occur at all, but it does happen. It helps if you are able to come up with some early emergency preparedness plans as you’ll never know when an emergency will creep up on you and bite you in the rear. Below are some ideas that you may want to consider when preparing your “Emergency Preparedness Plans”:

1. If you are thinking of purchasing some property to build a home, as your first emergency preparedness attempt you should find out more about the property. What type of land is it situated on is it bedrock base or a sand type base? A lot of areas are not doing these types of studies. Where I live in the Northwest of North America it is a very high seismic zone, so the area I live in the surrounding areas have been tested and are given a rating. Unfortunately for me when I purchased there was no studies done and the piece of property I purchased is on a sand base (My home may just slide away). So take the time to find out if the property or home you are thinking of purchasing is located within an active fault line, a passageway of typhoon or a place where swamp is likely to occur. You should also take the time to check out what type of area you live in now so that you can get prepared. This will give you a better idea of how to go about getting prepared.

2. Once you’ve chosen a property to purchase and you are going to build, work with a contractor who knows about the area and who can build you a safe home for the type of emergency type of disaster you may expect. If you already own your home you should check to see if any studies have been done on the types of emergency disasters you may expect in your area. You should then have your home inspected to check its level of sturdiness and make upgrades as required. Make sure the house is built with various entrance and exits, this is a very good emergency preparedness plan should you need to escape from your home immediately.

3. In your Emergency Preparedness Plans make it clear that everybody in the family should be ready just in case an emergency appears. Let your family know of your emergency preparedness plan so that everyone understands what he or she should do when emergency strikes. You might want to create a spot where everyone is supposed to meet up when an emergency appears. The spot can either be outside or somewhere safe. Everyone should have contact numbers to get in contact with each other. A great idea is to have an out of town contact, this way information can be passed on.

4. Your “Emergency Plan” once completed should always be looked at and revised when necessary. Plus you plan is of no use if you and your family do not take the time to practice. Take the time to practice fire drills, earthquake drills, evacuation plans, etc. with your family members this is vital, you want to ensure that everybody understands his or her role upon the occurrence of fire or any other types of disasters when they hit. You are encouraged to contact the local authorities and emergency preparedness centers as they are ready to lend a helping hand.

5. If you have children does their childcare or school have an emergency plan in place? If they do not it may be up to you and other parents to get involved and start working on one. If they do have a plan you may want to take a look at it and see if it is sufficient, if not you may want to point it out or get involved and make changes. I did just that when my kids started school, they had a plan but it was not much of a plan as I saw it so I got involved. It was hard at the start as the school was in a union and they were saying I was taking someone’s job. They left me alone after a while as I pointed out that maybe their Safety Officer was not doing their job, plus they had no clue. I have not been involved for a few years now but the same plan is still in effect.

6. Do you have family that needs special care such as the elderly, are they in a home? Does that home have an emergency plan? Do you have someone at home with special needs? You will have to plan for them. You will have to take into consideration when the family is separated and what to do in this case.

7. Pets, animals, and livestock will have to be also taking into consideration in your plan. There are many people that have pets and other animals such as horses that are very near and dear to them and that are treated as family members. The list can go on and on, these are just a few items to take into consideration. It is up to you. There is tons of information available; it is a matter of finding out what will pertain to your certain situation. Hopefully if you take the time to look around this site you will find enough information to get a start toward making your Family Emergency Preparedness Plans

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